Friday, March 12, 2010

EDit java application with Nokia s40 phones

Class editor is an
application that opens a
file in text mode so that
you could edit its text
values as well as hex
values. Class translator
allows you only to edit the
text values of class files
so that the risk of
modifying the java strings
is less.
So in order to edit
your application, you need
to have your.jar
application renamed
format.For s40 phones,this
could be done if you
download any.jar file via
UCWEB or if it is an
attachment, it will be
downloaded in.php or.ext
extension. Simply rename
the extension Now
you are ready with the 2
apps as well as the zip
renamed file of application
which you want to modify.

of opera mini 4.2 because
its quite simple to mod.
1. Use BlueFTP or any
other similar software to
extract all the class files
of the zip renamed file to a
folder of any name.
2. The server of opera
mini is present in a.class
file(It is in au.class or
aw.class or even ax.class
for UCWEB. It depends on
version).For other
applications you have to
know that which file
contains the server.To
know this open each class
file with class edithor and
press 9. Search for text
see the next search. Note
that the every file which
contains it may not be a
server.For example, it may
be a preloaded bookmark
if the application is a web
browser. Look and decide
that which one will be a
server.Now you will get to
know that which class file
contains the server of that
application. So open that
class file with class editor
or class translator. Class
translator is preferred
because it only displays
text strings.

9jahomeowner 12 Mar 10 15:26
If you open it
via class edithor press 9.
You will get a search menu.
3. Enter http as search
value in text box. Hit ok. It
will display all the matches.
Find it until you get http://
4. Go to position where you
want to insert your trick.
For eg. if you are a
reliance user go to
position just
It means add your trick
just like as you added in a
handler mod application.
5. Then press 5. Select
text and add your trick, (?
Finally save your file.
6. If you open the class file
via class translator,
observe that all text
strings are arranged in
alphabetical order. So the
server lies with h as it
starts with http. So scroll
down until you get the
server and add your trick.
Then save that file.
neue Mobile Spy

9jahomeowner 12 Mar 10 15:37
Be careful because if
you do not operate
correctly with class
translator it leaves a.bak
file with same name. If so,
delete it.
8. Finally you are left with
a folder containing class
files along with a server
modded class file. Select all
of them and compress it to
zip format by using blueftp
or similar application.s40
users need to continue by
renaming the zipped file.
For example, if you have
compressed class files as then rename it to
mini_jar by blueftp. Scroll
to this file via your
phone's gallery and select
options, rename, and
change _ to. i.e, mini_jar
to mini.jar. Note that s40
users could do this only by
their phone's gallery. But
other phone system users
.zip to.jar
directly by blueftp.
9. Finally the.jar renamed
application will be
recognized by your phone
and run the application. If
everything is perfect and
if you have added your
trick correctly, it will work.
Then enjoy the application
modded by yourself....

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